


12 in stock


Kordel’s Signature MANUKA HONEY are directly from NEW ZEALAND.
The honey is harvested by the NZ MAORIES beekeepers and each bottle was individually TAGGED to enable tracing of its origin!

Kordel’s Signature Kordel’s was classified as “Medicinal grade Manuka Honey” with :
✔️UMF 10+ (UMF = the antibacterial activity factor of Manuka Honey),
✔️100% PURE from source
✔️TRACEABLE origin for each bottle

💠Honey has a low pH, between 3.2 and 4.5. Most bacteria grow in pH between 6.5 and 7.5. The acid is called an organic acid (gluconic acid), produced from glucose in the honey via enzyme glucose oxidase.

💠Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important oxidizing and sanitizing agent. It is formed an enzyme, glucose oxidase. It is activated when honey is diluted, however, which allows it to act on the endogenous glucose to produce hydrogen peroxide.

💠Manuka Honey has a powerful but unique antibacterial effects due to its phenolic compounds, especially Methylglyoxal (MGO)

Manuka Honey is the Most NATURAL Solution to improve health problems of :

💢Stomach discomforts, pain and bloating 💢
*Manuka Honey displays the below effects to improve Gut Health:
️1️⃣Anti-inflammatory effect – helps to improves IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
2️⃣Anti-bacterial effect – Kills H.pylori, stops bad bacteria growth in the intestine
3️⃣Promotes ulcer healing – reduces gut lining inflammation and form a coating to protect from acid reflux or GERD.

💢Chronic cough, night cough, especially in children 💢
*More than 10 research publications showed Pure Honey helps to relief cough severity and cough frequency in adults and children.
1️⃣Honey is recommended for children over the age of one for the treatment of cough
2️⃣It is deemed as effective as dextromethorphan and more effective than diphenhydramine

💢Sugar substitute for Diabetes control 💢
*Different studies showed that honey consumption reduces body weight and blood glucose in healthy and diabetic patients compared to sugar intake.
1️⃣Honey contains high antioxidants that helps to increase insulin in normal subjects
2️⃣Increased the absorption of sugar from the blood to the liver
3️⃣Improves the function of pancrease , leading an improvement is insulin resistant

💢 Honey and anticancer 💢
*Honey may be useful for controlling side effects of radiation therapy or chemotherapy applied in cancer treatment.
1️⃣Honey acts at different stages of cancer, on the initiation, proliferation, and progression
2️⃣Honey can reduce chronic inflammation
3️⃣Studies were done on in-vitro and animals
4️⃣Breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer and liver cancer